Echinodorus Iguazu 2009

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Iguazu 09 is a very rare and unique sword plant that was brought over to the U.S. in 2009. Over the years various planted tank enthusiasts have continued to propagate the species. We are excited to have a handful of these guys available to you.

growth is fairly undemanding and we have had great luck with or without co2. The only thing that we have found to upset it is nutrient deficiency. It does well for us in soft and hard water as well as in minimal lighting. 

We have a very small quantity available, so get them while they last!


Sold by the individual small or large plant. Small and large are both pictured and are accurate representations of what you will receive 😁. 


PH Range: 5.5-8.0

Temperature range: 60-85

lighting requirement: low 

CO2 needed?: No

Growth Rate: Slow